St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church UAC of Chicago, IL, is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS)

All organizations need a system of governance to preserve order, define and cast a vision, and provide accountability between the staff and stakeholders. In the LCMS we practice congregational polity, which means that each congregation is self-governed.

Our first responsibility is always to Christ. It is His church. At the same time, we believe that Christ empowers a local church to exist through the gathering of the priesthood of believers, what we recognize as the local congregation, the members of which form our Voters Assembly. The St. James Council is elected by and accountable to the Voters’ Assembly and has the accountability for establishing policy for and overseeing the management and operations of the church and school. The Council is comprised of the officers of the congregation, the chairs of the boards, and the Senior Pastor as a non-voting member. The Council operates under the St. James Constitution and By-Laws that were approved by our Voters Assembly and the Northern Illinois District.

St. James Constitution & Bylaws


Tyler Lowell – President

Casey McGuire – Vice President

Dan Henning – Secretary

Warren Gast– Chair Board of Elders

Pete Regis – Chair Board of Finance

Sara Welch - Chair Board of Education

Kim Hibben – Chair Board of Administration

Pastor Joel Hess

Board of Finance

Pete Regis – Chair

Greg Anderson

Rick Drews

Tyler Vachio

Board of Administration

Kim Hibben – Chair

Jeremy Butterfield

Brandon Winter

Jon Hansel

Julie Klatter

Board of Elders

Warren Gast – Chair

Pastor Joel Hess

Jeremy Butterfield

Carl Larson

Nick Mason

Brandon Winter

Mike Welch

Eric Becker

Tyler Bettenhausen

Sam Woodson

Board of Education

 Sara Welch – Chair

Kylie Hughes

Holly Sandefur

Becky Gorcyca

Natalie Richards

George Stowers

Chris Burrichter

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